19.11.09 |
姫ギャル HimeGyaru and Jesus Diamante |
 I gotta say- out of all the Japanese Fashions EXCLUDING Lolita, I LOVE Hime Gyaru (Princess Gal) style. And seeing that this blog has to do with anything Princess, I figured this is a good topic to write about. Gyaru (ギャル) is a Japanese transliteration of the English word gal. There are plenty of varieties of Gyaru such as Ganguro, Gyaru-Kei, etc.
Many people mistake Hime Lolita and Hime Gyaru together. Some also believe that Hime Gyaru is the 'big sister' to Hime Lolita, but this isn't the case. Hime Gyaru, along with being popular with teenage girls, attract Japanese women in their late 20's and 30's. The difference between the two is Lolita tries to be childlike and doll-like, while the Gyaru tries to be super sophisticated and to be like a young lady- NOT like a child. The Gyaru style is supposed to look something like this: A young woman who's parents are well off. She is stylish and delicate and has lots of time to primp and have her nails and hair done and probably sleeps on the best satin sheets! She likes the finer things in life, furs and jewels. She could even be mistaken for royalty perhaps. Everything is feminine, ultra lush and high class.
Now lets look at the differences between Lolita and Gyaru:
On the left, a Hime Gyaru girl wearing clothing from the designer Jesus Diamante, on the right is a Marie Antoinette OP from BABYSSB
Girls that wear the Hime Gyaru fashion go CRAZY for a designer called Jesus Diamante. The dresses are worth $600+ and shoes about $200-300. Many teenage to 20 year old ladies still live at home with their parents to support their royalty lifestyles. I have to say that the fashion looks very ladylike and sweet.
Though I'm a Sweet&Hime Lolita, I wouldn't mind trying the Gyaru counterpart sometime.
Look for yourself! Jesus Diamanta|Liz Lisa
posted by Johanna @ 3:31 PM   |
Wow, just to support that lifestyle they continue living with their parents? That's intense. I can't believe like ... the price of 3 pairs of ripped looking jeans you can buy in America add up to the price of one lush, beautiful Hime Gyaru gown. :< That's sort of depressing.
I'm glad there's a way you can still wear really beautiful, Lolita-esque styles when you're older, just making it more sophisticated and what not. 'Cept it's so expensive. XD
I know, when I learned that fact I was absolutely floored! I had no idea that something like that was accepted! People here move out and just overspend beyond their means and end up bankrupt! And I know. You can rip your own jeans, but you can't necessarily put your clothes together and make a gown. *shakes head*
Wow. I'm awake cause I'm sick and have nothing to do and I came here and saw that JDiamante dress and decided that this is my new goal in life. To wear the equivalent of a prom dress or greater every single day.
Or at least once a week. :P
I already have that option... But no option to do anything else. Lolita dresses at $300 a pop does that to ya. DO IT THOUGH! DO IIIT. DOOO IIIIIT.
It's fun. Ha.
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Wow, just to support that lifestyle they continue living with their parents? That's intense.
I can't believe like ... the price of 3 pairs of ripped looking jeans you can buy in America add up to the price of one lush, beautiful Hime Gyaru gown. :< That's sort of depressing.
I'm glad there's a way you can still wear really beautiful, Lolita-esque styles when you're older, just making it more sophisticated and what not. 'Cept it's so expensive. XD