1.11.09 |
Revelation of the Heart |
 I imagine being wrapped in the long, crisp green blades of the grass rooting from the damp earth below me. There is no anxiety flowing through my body, for I am one with the ground. Praise God for creating something so inviting and perfect.
Everybody knows that I am the type of person to take a subject and transform it into an impending doom to worry about. I worry about things that are completely beyond my control, or I'll worry if I don't have anything to worry about. But lately, I've had such a negative attitude about wonderful things in my life. Today, God has shown me something very important. In an extensive group prayer at my church this evening, the answer was brought to me. The Lord told me that my worry for other people and things of this world has been the only thing on my mind, and manifesting in my heart. This is wrong; I have no peace because GOD should be the one on my mind constantly and placed in my heart. If I spread His love and keep my eyes on having that peace in him, all other things will fall into place. If I spread his love, instead of worrying, I'll be able to see the situation in a whole new light and have compassion and patience and be able to forgive- Something we don't realize is that the same Holy Spirit that flowed through Jesus to show love and give strength is flowing through us. The same Spirit of the Lord, our Heavenly Father, wants us to walk like Christ Jesus did and show eternal love, for we were all knit together by God while we were in our mother's womb.
We all have our demons. Worry is mine. Lack of faith is mine. It's time to buckle down and really set things straight, because face it, LOVE conquers all. If you take that Love and shine it on whatever darkness you have, it can't stay for long.
Thank you so much for your wisdom. Amen. |
posted by Johanna @ 9:04 PM   |
That was so beautiful!! I'm so happy for you! God is quite amazing .... isn't He? ^^
I can't even really think of what else to say or this would be, like, a PAGE long. :D!! *hugs*
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That was so beautiful!!
I'm so happy for you!
God is quite amazing .... isn't He? ^^
I can't even really think of what else to say or this would be, like, a PAGE long. :D!! *hugs*