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Name: Johanna
Home: Sacramento, California, United States
About Me: I am a girl; I don't quite know where I came from or where I'm going. Though I'm still getting comfortable in my own skin, I love to think about a world more simple than the one I reside in now. I like to imagine a magical place with elegant gowns, tea time every hour, true friendship, etiquette, and art. Don't let the busy reality of the world take you over. Hold onto your innocence.
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Camera Troubles+Character Development

I've been wanting a camera. I need a good camera. >_> Like a Nikon D90. Something like that.

You see, I have these beautiful dolls and dresses, but really no money to take care of them or take decent pictures of them.

Now, most people have stories and backgrounds for their BJDs. I'm not quite sure what Hyun Ki OR Charm has in store for me. I know that Hyun is a book nerd, but thats about it-
While I was waiting for his arrival, I sketched out many times what I wanted him to look like: Long silver hair with strait-cut bangs, A beanie with a little visor on it- ... ahh I don't really remember what else X__X But getting used to his -coughbrowncough- faceup, I want him to have brown hair. I'm pretty sure I want him to have brown hair... it would flow better.
I have Charm already planned. He's totally Visual Kei style. Dark. Dark Visual Kei. It's perfect for him, I just need to get him a body. D<

Here is someone else' Sha named Yuu [Hyun's Model]with brown

Such a cutie, eh?

Yes. Yes, I think brown is the choice. Hyun Ki has the same makeup as Yuu. Same. Same, all same.
posted by Johanna @ 9:56 AM  

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