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About Me

Name: Johanna
Home: Sacramento, California, United States
About Me: I am a girl; I don't quite know where I came from or where I'm going. Though I'm still getting comfortable in my own skin, I love to think about a world more simple than the one I reside in now. I like to imagine a magical place with elegant gowns, tea time every hour, true friendship, etiquette, and art. Don't let the busy reality of the world take you over. Hold onto your innocence.
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Sweet Nothings
I have a robe that is a light pastel green that I absolutely adore. It's the softest thing I've felt in a while, and its so warm I don't need anything else if the air is chilly in the night. It's so light that when it's warmer I don't want to take it off.

http://www.merina-sky.blogspot.com and http://www.sneaky-snake.blogspot.com also have mp3 bears on their pages now, so I think we should name them.
I think I'll name my bear Evelyn.

I really want to learn Russian... But I can't roll my r's. Like if someone purrs like a kitten; I can't do that. I can imitate it sometimes, but it's not actually me rolling my tongue. It's more like a quick L. I guess while I'm waiting on my disability to magically disappear though, I can learn the alphabet. And write it. Pобот, робот, робот, Я тебя люблю, мы так хотели...

Sometimes I feel like this
posted by Johanna @ 9:44 AM  

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