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About Me

Name: Johanna
Home: Sacramento, California, United States
About Me: I am a girl; I don't quite know where I came from or where I'm going. Though I'm still getting comfortable in my own skin, I love to think about a world more simple than the one I reside in now. I like to imagine a magical place with elegant gowns, tea time every hour, true friendship, etiquette, and art. Don't let the busy reality of the world take you over. Hold onto your innocence.
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Wonderful Things

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A haircut and some books.
Over this past weekend, I was at the coast to stay at a beach house with my mother, sister, aunt, and uncle. It was so much fun! ^__^ I wish I had a camera though to take a bunch of pictures :< Sadly I didn't.
But my aunt DID cut my hair! It's the shortest it has ever been in my life. Shortest. I really like it though!

I traveled to Winston Smith Books yesterday.
I KNEW I was waiting to buy the RIGHT version of Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov. It's my favorite novel and finally, after decided I LOVE old published books, I found a copy published in 1955. It can't get much older than that, since it was written in that year. XD
and I bought the oldest version of 1984 that I could find (come on, you HAVE to buy 1894 at Winston Smith). That book was published in 1961 I believe.

I am so very, very happy.
posted by Johanna @ 10:16 AM  

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